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Preferred Property Submission

Note: Your privacy is very important to us. To better serve you, the form information you enter is recorded in real time.

We are pleased to offer a preferred monoline commercial property program to our select REInsurePro agents with NO ACORD APPLICATIONS REQUIRED OR ACCEPTED. Lessor's Risk, Mixed Use, Strip Centers and Vacant buildings are eligible up to $10M TIV.

It is imperative submissions are complete, including the provided exposure spreadsheet and 3 years currently valued loss runs, to provide an expedited turnaround.

City State Zip
Producer Name*
Are any of the locations in the following states or Wind Tiers?*

You have selected a property exposure that is ineligible for the Preferred Property program through REInsurePro's Commercial Program division. We will notify you if this changes in the future. Thank you for working with us!

Policyholder Details

Mailing Address*
Inspection Contact*
Desired Effective Date*

Complete all fields on this exposure schedule, and upload with 3 years currently valued loss runs.

Completed Exposure Schedule*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Three years Loss Runs*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
For best service, premium financing elections should be made at time of binding.
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